3 December 2021
Session #5 Dec 3, 2021: Group turned in the body of the demon, before starting the Lost Construct Job. Garak left to start creating a network in the city. Come to find out the Lost Construct Job was put in by Tink’s long time rival Gerbo the one sent to Altrisos to start a branch of the guild there. In exchange for completing the job discreetly Gerbo agreed to fulfill the request Tink had put in with the guild for a golden acorn, a spell component for Stergis. Gerbo paid a triton captain, Aquarios, to sail to the island that the construct had flown off to. During the trip Aquarios was able to translate one of the documents received from Candeto, owner of a local bookshop in the city. The group arrived at the island where the construct flew off to and defeated it with a surprise helping hand from Garak who had stowed away on the ship for a.. job… Afterwards the group traveled back to the city, Tink worked on the anvilwrought raptors grabbed from the island, while Stergis, Garak, Markus, and Scrufflebutt deciphered the last document from Candeto. Only to find out it was a journal entry from Xenagos, the group met up and discussed what to do about the original in Candeto’s shop. In game time 10/7/42 through 10/8/42.