11 March 2022
Session #12 Mar 11, 2022: The Faithful Few met Rastus otherwise known as Half-Heart washed up on the beach. He mistaked Scrufflebutt for his wife Lia, after speaking for a bit everyone found out he has been on the island for almost 200 years though for him it was only a single year. Rastus explained how there was a monster up the mountain though he didn’t know what, Seza and Rastus stayed behind to keep an eye on the survivors of the ship while the Faithful Few went to investigate. They encountered a sphinx who explained that they were brought to the island for a reason and to speak with the one that brought them there, they would first have to pass the challenges of the sphinx. First were three riddles, with some ease were answered. Next was the Test of Strength to withstand the roar of the Sphinx, Kalash stepped up to complete this challenge. After which was the Test of Speed, to pluck a lighting lily and bring it into the cave within a minute or get struck by lightning. Stergas was the one to complete this test. Lastly was the Statue Puzzle, a completely fair and reasonable puzzle that sadly the group failed. Upon which the statues animated and came to life after a quick fight the Puzzle was passed by might. The sphinx then brought everyone to their reward the choice of magic items though Kalash found the second coin of Atheros the one belonging to Thassa. Faithful Few were then brought to the one who had summoned them there, Karanos God of Storms. In game time 11/6/42 through 11/6/42 (1 hour 10 minutes on the island).