Hill Giant
Hill [[Giant]]
Hill giants can be found most places on the continent where there is enough to eat. These giants are the most primitive of all the [[Giant]], but also the plentiest. Most attacks caused by Hill Giants are to sate their hunger or curiosity as they mostly are interested in keeping to themselves. Though they have a complete disregard for the lesser races. They rank the lowest on [[The Ordening]], but because of their plentiful numbers they are used as foot soldiers.
Their leader [[Cheif Guh]] was killed during the [[Siege of Grudd Haug]] leaving them unorganized and their power spread.
Background and Lore
“One who has met a female hill giant will find their male counterpart to be rather pleasant”
Notable Hill Giants
- [[Cheif Guh]]
- [[Mog the hungy]]
- [[Hruk the stolen chef]]
Combat Prowess
- High health
- Melee combat