18 Gizmel 816
The Bulletpoints the DM stole from Atticus
- Mix directed the party to the Yuan-ti temple
- The party freed the goblins locked inside
- The party found pages of correspondence between The Axe Man and Ushkil
- Aelin ticked off a stone statue by trying to steal its eyes
- The party got ambushed by Axe man almost avoiding him through a hidden door in the wall
- The party escaped
- Raven deciphered the letters, which indicate an attack on The Inkwell Tree is due in two days (the 20th of Gizmel)
Yuan-ti correspondence
[Note: if context seems missing, remember you only saved four letters of the pile]
Axe Man.
It is a great pleasure to hear you and Zasta are unraveling the binds. Yet you disappoint us, you are the tree feller, and small folk have kept your hand from striking true? That is not news I wish to hear. You shall unravel the cage, and you will do so soon.
- Ushkil
Do not speak foul of The Axe Man Zasta. He is our greatest butcher, the edge against the light. He might not share your sharp wit, but not all humans will be pursuaded by your silver tongue, nor will it fell the greatest trees.
- Ushkil
Axe Man.
You disappointed us Axe Man, the black blood tree must fall, you know this. Do not tell me you will let Zetsa outdo you? Show me your sharpest side, not just the slaves you stole.
- Ushkil
Axe Man.
You will get the reinforcments you request, but I will not tolerate any delay longer. You shall fell that tree, three days from now by most. On the [20th of Gizmel]* I want that binding undone, and I do not care how many lives you will sacrifice for it.
- Ushkil
*translated date