Back to list Cult of Talos The Cult of Talos is devoted to Talos, the god of storms and destruction. Lore Talos Greater deity of Storms and Destruction Characters Boreas An elemental creature forged by Moradin and master to a pair of dragons Dragall the Storm Seeker Warlord for the Storm of Death Fheralai Stormsworn High War Priestess of Talos GF Gnaugul the Flame Freer Warlord for the Storm of Death Granny, the Right Hand of Thrull Giantess that serves as one of two commanders to The Storm of Death, the main force behind the Cult of Talos MD Mogadash the Destruction Distributer Warlord for the Storm of Death SR Saru-Rah the Wind Rider Warlord for the Storm of Death ST Shorel the Terrifying Tremor Warlord for the Storm of Death Ullibak the Wave Wanderer Former Warlord of the Hand of Death, currently a champion of Umberlee Xonodrai'on [zOhn•oh DRY•on] Factions Grimfang's Company