Investigate the Night of Ashes
Fan the Flames of Revolution
Rexus asked us to take a look at the Three buildings that burned down completely during the Night of Ashes:
- The Victocora Estate: After careful inspection, there was nothing but ash and ruble left here.
- The Thrashing Badger: Due to its location on the docks, the fire burned a hole completely through the pier leaving literally nothing there. Ham wants to return with diving gear to take a look in the water below.
- The Silver Star: Little more than an ash cover crater, this location yields a small box of magical supplies.
Little was learned over all from the initial inspections of the sites. The group feels there is a small chance that the site of the Thrashing Badger may hold more information beneath the river. As they discuss, it seems these building were targeted for specific elimination during the night of ashes for their relationship to factions that would be problematic for the Thrunish occupation: The Sacred Order of Archivists, The church of Milani, and the Church of Sarenrae.