The Gardens of Vacilla
Why Therans wink at the sunrise
In days of old, there dwelt a fair queen named Vacilla, tending her lush gardens. Bounteous were her lands, and her subjects marveled at her art, paying tribute in gratitude. Some whispered she descended from Karametra’s cornucopia in Nyx to Theros, while others claimed her origin in Nylea’s wooded realms. But they forgot Heliod’s grace, enchanted by her gardens. This affront stirred Heliod’s ire, and his radiant aura robbed Vacilla and her kin of sight, never to behold petals or blooms again. Thus, we bow at dawn’s break and wink, to recall what may be lost and how Heliod’s light brings the world to us.
Told to the party by The Dargosel guro