The 6th council of Silverhold
The main court of Silverhold is comprised of 7 representatives each one from a different section of the city. Now each section votes for the representative that they want and in section 6, the section you are in, the 4 runner ups form a council with the wining representative and decide on policies of the section and also what the winner, also known as the “section representative” should try and ask or work towards in the court of Silverhold.
Section 6 Council members:
-Mantera Colesmen: Human, Section Councilor
-Ar Bluedown: Human, Section Councilor
-Grex Longford: half-orc, Section Councilor
-Serlith Halifax: Half elf Section Councilor
-Fortshaker: Goliath, Section Representative
Info on the Councilors
General info: All of the councilors live in ether the Middle or High districts for their own protection. While they can go in the lower districts it is discouraged and the only one who regularly breaks this taboo is Fortshaker.
Mantera Colesmen:
The oldest member of the consul
at 76 years of age, a Silverhold born and bread business woman (athereum mining), a woman who helped advance Silverhold with her business to become a trading juggernaut, a woman who gave away her business to her children to become a politician. Her history is well documented in her self published biography: Mantera Colesmen a History of success and regret. In which she explains her history form her humble begins as the daughter of a surf to her rise in wealth and power. However she also states that she believes she had a indirect hand in starting the 20 year war as without her influence of the Solutos economy towards trade then Utalia may not have gotten desperate and started the chain of events that led to war. Other things you learn is that she is the most outspoken for her dislike of the Sarlee family.Ar Bluedown:
Also native to the kingdom of Solutos but not born in Silverhold, however has lived most of his life here. A person who has been in the political sphere for a long time as a diplomat. However he did take up arms as a soldier during the war however only 3 years into the 20 year he sustained an injury that made him unfit for duty and has continued his previous work until he became a council member. He is also another outspoken enemy of the Sarlee family.Grex Longford:
A half-orc raised by a former Section Representative and the first half-orc Council member. His most famous claim to fame is his relief program with the goal of helping new refugees find their footing in the city. Also an enemy of the Sarlee family.Serlith Halifax:
A half elf and not a particularly exemplary one. What info you’ve managed to find on him is very simple and standard. Was born here worked as a messenger and eventually got into politics and made a fast rise in the ranks, just barely making it as a council member. Nether friend or enemy of The captain.Fortshaker:
The first immigrant to win the election and become a section representative. You managed to find many many stories about him, almost everyone you spoke to had at least one thing to say about him.