Dock yard
Fuel: Athirum
Athirum comes in a few different forms and variants with their own benefits:
- Gas Athirum: 4-days per ton of travel, Cost - 1 gold per ton, 75% Chance of exploding when the station or part they are at is destroyed. 1 roll per ton are made and for each failure you lose a days worth of fuel and the ship takes 2d6 fire damage.
- Liquid Athirum 2- days per ton of travel Cost - 1 gold per ton 20% Chance of exploding, 1 per each ton rolls are made and for each failure you lose a day’s worth of fuel dealing 4d6
- Solid Athirum 5- days per ton of travel cost - 3 gold per ton 0% Chance of exploding. If hit with a spell directly into the fuel it will start to burn slowly
Bulk buying:
- Gas 50 tons for 40 gold
- Liquid 60 tons for 55 gold
- Solid 75 tons for 50 gold