A halfling with a tuft of brown hair, with green eyes. His ears stick out, with a golden earring in his right ear. His clothes were very tattered. He was battered, bruised and bloody with lacerations in his clothing, revealing scrapes and blood beneath. He looked malnourished and emaciated. He had a dagger in his loose belt.
He often told jokes to the group to lighten the mood, as they were vicious in their interrogation.
His story to the group was that he escaped a bandit camp, only to be captured by the shapeshifting beast that they fought during the night. He escaped again and ran looking for help. There was another that was captive by the shapeshifter and beast, and he asked the group to come back to the camp to rescue him as with the beast dead, the captive would die on their own.
Ondel gave the halfling some rations and the task to rescue this other captive as penance. Failure to do so would be punishable by death.