Alara (Morgan)
Spellforge Winter Eladrin
- Last Known Whereabouts of G1: 14 Ilnar 2550
Alara is about 5’5 with Silvery long blue hair in a French braid that almost reaches down to her thighs , she has pale skin that looks almost grey-ish, and has Vibrant Royal Purple eyes. She’s quite fit from her years of adventuring and weighs about 135-145lbs
She wears a long white jacket (her cloak of protection) that she leaves unbuttoned with a large collar (think almost a pirate jacket lol) and leggings most of the time With a tight black shirt underneath and boots that go to about just below the knee (her boots of flying) she has her greatsword on her back and usually has at least two of her arcane arsenals (which I imagine to just be floating spectral greatswords) floating near her sides she wears a smug-ish grin as if she can predict what you’re about to do next
She has a tattoo on her right arm that goes up and all the way over her shoulder and ends in a raven Claw around her right eye, sometimes when it’s hot she ties her jacket (cloak of protection) around her waist so you can see almost the entire tattoo. She wears leather gloves with open fingers as well and when she has the maximum amount of her arcane arsenal out and active, her eyes glow a deep purple (her arcane arsenal is the same colour as her eyes)
Alara was left alone, abandoned after her birth and left on the roadside to die. She was found by a human couple who were journeying to see the world, little did they know their journey would find them parents as well. They raised Alara to be strong and as people who wandered around mist of their lives she needed to be able to defend herself and her father taught her how to wield weaponry and her mother taught her how to at least attempt to wield the odd magic she was born with.
Many Years later On their journey the happy family of three would find themselves at a small settlement with a fortune tellers shack. Alara had been curious about her birth parents, not out of need for parental figures, her adoptive parents were more than enough to give her the live and nurturing she needed, but it always gnawed on her as to why she was left on the side of the road.
Much to her adoptive family’s chagrin, they brought her to the Fortune Teller.
The fortune teller explained that her parents left her to die because of her magic, and that the magic she was left to die for was not only taboo but dangerous if improperly trained individuals were to use it. She also explained that in time, Alara’s magic would be needed to save this world.
Alara over the next long number of years would train her magic while moving from place to place with her Adoptive parents, who by nature of their humanity would peacefully pass away from old age.
Alara continued to journey when the Displacement occurred. Now she adventures Solo towards the god of time and prophecy to see if that old fortune teller was right and that she was right about her magic
Active Location/Goals
Missing, Last seen Vophon’s Isle with Herk and Atlas