Letter from Khatar
To Kharg
This Letter was found in the starting Cathedral, in the cot room on a bed, written in Sylvan. This letter is from someone named Khatar, to an Orcish man who lives in Oasis, it had been written 10 years ago, and was put in an evolope and stamped with a crest of a Heart, in the middle there rests an Arrow and a Dagger. The letter speaks of the author, Khatar, having to go on a mission, and that they may not return for a long time, however they will return. Stating that when they return things will be better again. And they love the recipiant. In Heat-Activating ink, in between the lines of the letter you can see lines of what seem to be desperate calls for help, how they are scared but will do what needs to be done to fix what happened. As well as writting their suspicion of an Aasimar who was leading the mission, doubting their qualifiations.