Blinsky's Toy Shoppe
This cramped shop has a dark entrance portico, above which hangs a wooden sign shaped like a rocking horse, with a “B” engraved on both sides. Flanking the entrance are two arched, lead-framed windows. Through the dirty glass, you see jumbled displays of toys and hanging placards bearing the slogan “Is No Fun, Is No Blinsky!”
The proprietor of this toy shop is Gadof Blinsky who has a fascination with eerie playthings, accompanied by the monkey Piccolo, who is currently wearing a tutu. The party discovered that this monkey used to belong to Rictavio, who Blinsky claims is a friend.
Our party discovered that there are shelves of dolls that look exactly like macabre versions of Ireena lining the walls. Upon questioning Gadof Blinsky, we find Ireena dolls were commissioned by Izek Strazni. Blinksy isn’t sure why, and he doesn’t seem to know who Ireena is or that she’s a real person.