Back to list Village of Barovia Quest List Lore Village of Barovia Characters BC Bildrath Cantemir Proprietor of Bilrdrath's Mercantile DD Doru Donavich Son of Father Donavich FD Father Donavich Priest of Church of Barovia GM Granny M Morgantha IK Ireena Kolyana Reincarnation of Tatyana IK Ismark Kolyanovich "Ismark the Lesser" MM Mad Mary Village of Barovia PC Parriwimple Cantemir Bildrath's Mercantile PV Patrina Velikovna Strahd's Dead Bride VO Vistani Tavern Owners Blood on the Vine in Village of Barovia Locations Barovia Village Church Church of the Morninglord Bildrath's Mercantile Shop in Barovia Blood of the Vine Tavern Kolyanovich Manor Burgermeister's Mansion Quests Dream Pies Old Bonegrinder Mill Find Gertruda Honor the Dead Kolyan Indirovich