4 Hammer 1491
Back in Silverhold
Faeloria Windscribe notices Lirien Faelthorne walking near the board and she bulldozes Pipkin out of her way to show me notes about The Rising Stone.
Faelornia asks us if my team is ready to go to the next mission, a 4 day trip to Rising Stone.
At the bar our group, Bunny approaches with drinks for all asking if we are interested in bringing her along. We agreed to let the bard join and as we go a Bloodhunter Eternium asks to join as well.
As we travel North towards the mountains, we see three bandits that spot us but they run at the sight of our larger group. The next day we encounter a large group of bandits (10) with dogs (5) and a bandit leader. Fold had given us all Gift of Alacrity so we get a jump start on initiative with Fold taking lead with a 30 initiate teleporting Eternium to behind the Bandit Leader. Pipkin blesses Lirien, Fold, and Raven.
After a bit of battling, the Bandit Captain throws a dagger at Bunny who retorts with a Hellish Rebuke, burning and killing him instantly.
Bunny casts suggestion on the bandit co-captain forcing him to sit and stay in place. After the fighting we interrogated him for a bit but no information was available so Fold ended his misery. GremRam butchers the Mastiff getting about 100 pounds of meat.
11 scimitars, 10 heavy crossbow, and 150 bolts on the bandit, 4 daggers on the Captain.