Missing Person - Issac
Issac is missing
500,000g reward
Was last seen by Russel Walker in District B on his birthday (3 weeks before quest start)
- Party questions Roger for help in where to start in finding Issac
- Obtain Issac‘s scarf, use a potion of scrying to find clues as to where he’s at
Scrying for Issac
Room built from stone
Issac and several other children are all starving in a jail cell, can hear whimpering and shivering
3 sleeping humanoid figures
Wake up when 9ft man (Goliath) enters room and says “Now is the time”
Scrying is forcibly ended
Ask Urchin Girl and Urchin Unison Twins in District E about noticing people going missing
Several urchins have gone missing
Butcher has been more reclusive lately and eventually went missing
Investigate Butcher Shop
Long rest
Investigate the shop, find the electrical freezer and dead bodies
Go into Butcher Shop Basement
Loot area
Find Issac and 5 other children
Kill 4 gnolls, 1 Goliath
Free/feed/clothe children
Bring them to Town Hall
Receptionist takes the 5 children to the nearest church
Maid takes Issac to get cleaned up
- 500,000g
- Free boarding for the night
- Free dinner