7 August 2022
Party explores Luskan, drops off several carts of goods and loads up others for future trade. The group learns about the death of one of the 5 ruling Ship Captains.
-Day of mourning followed by a ship piar and celebration.
The party learns of the Goliath involvement and finds out that nomad tribes are working with the Orc and “The Horde”.Dardigan sets up a meeting with Vellynne Harpell- a member of the Arcane Brotherhood. She explains that there is a gathering under an Orc or Orckind named Kahl.
He is gathered the Orc tribes one by one, and it seems has brokered a deal with goblins and giants, to include Nomad Goliaths. This has not been seen since the Many Arrows take over almost a hundred years ago.
The group attends the funeral piar for the Ship CPT, and watches the celebration.
A very drunk Sam (Intelligence officer for EOTDM-Luskan) tells the group about all the dangers of the Miribar road… to include Goliath bands, orcs, giants, and a Black Dragon (reportedly)….
The party leaves Luskan and is challenged by Goliaths and ogres, and Orc Champions. Party wins….