Hylia's Wheel
Holy symbol of Hylia faithful. (also known as Hylia's Shield)

Created by the priests of a Hylia and three Goddessess, the ‘wheels were designed to protect the Hylia’s followers in their quest to hunt down a dangerous cults trying to raise the evil gods, such as Demise or Bellum. Once they completed their crusade, They each took their wheels with them, handing them down to the next generations.
This copper medallion is etched with a stylized Hylian emblem, its rays shaped like wings of loftwing. It tends to glint brightly when exposed to sunlight. While wearing this pendant, you gain a +1 item bonus to Religion checks. You must be good-aligned to use the Hylia’s wheel’s true power: the following activation, which provides you a shield of radiant force.
Activate concentrate; Effect The Hylia’s wheel casts a shield spell benefiting you. When you use the spell to prevent damage, you prevent 10 damage instead of 5. If the attacker is adjacent to you, you can choose to deal 2d6 fire damage to it, which it gets a DC 21 basic Reflex save to resist.
If you choose to deal the fire damage, you can’t Activate the wheel again until the next morning. If you prevent damage but don’t deal the fire damage, you can use it again in 10 minutes, as normal for shield.