28 Horisal 835
You reach Raska in the late afternoon and start walking towards the abbey where Irven Tile and his family should be, last you left them. There is a short discussion on what to do with the jungle fever vials. It is decided to hang on to them, for now. You also decided that Irven Tile and his family will definitely be cured, hopefully with only 1 vial of antidote, but all of them if needed. Whether Tulgi Lutan will also receive a vial of antidote is looking unlikely. Amadi Roberts is opposed, Theraerys Greenhide in favor and Seivarden Vendaai leaning towards opposed.
- Irven and his family are cured
- Dinner party at the abbey in your honor
- You are offered Pelc’s Curiosities and the remaining 125 gp per person
- You rescue Hulil’s wolfs (brought to the local butcher who adopts them), and end Hulil’s suffering, as requested by her
- Afterparty in the Jolly Dwarf