5 Eleint 1491
Session 72 (continued)
In the morning, John has taken some time to clean up and shave
- He looks exactly like Nikolai Lestat
Session 73 (8/25/24)
While John (Nikolai?) eats breakfast, we go into another room and discuss this new occurrence
- If this is Nikolai Lestat, and he’s been gone as long as he says he has, Rusco and Mina met an imposter on Craia
- His memory isn’t reliable so the timeline could be off
- Nikolai says he was placed on that asteroid as insurance
- He doesn’t know what the insurance was for
- It’s also odd that no one has mentioned Nikolai going missing or acting strangely
- It seems that someone has done an exceptional job duplicating Nikolai
- Whoever is behind this probably doesn’t want anyone to find Nikolai
Arwik is frustrated by the Goddess’s cryptic clues
- He’s a soldier. He was never really known for being overly intelligent
Is it possible that this is a site of a Calamity? Were the bird people responsible?
Is it possible that Siregul was overthrown so the Nagpa could search for something on the planet?
- What is the Dark Star?
- We found one Nagpa at the ruins. Is it possible that there were others on the planet?
Could Hop have been overthrown by the Nagpa as well?
When we return to Nikolai, he has been trying every kind of food available.
MAC tries to reassure him but it makes him tense.
Nikolai survived by casting Goodberry and hiding.
- He didn’t know how to cast any spells before he was taken to Dun Eideann
- He can also speak Druidic now.
We decide to research the Githyanki
Long Rest