Back to list Waterdeep The city of Waterdeep Characters AC Ammalia Cassalanter not wearing the big pants in the relationship AM Arilyn Moonblade Really dedicated to her work Arylin Moonblade Asterius Wildcut Hoarder of arms AD Aurinax the golden dragon. Golden dragon posing as a dwarf AG Avi the Water Genasi Azid B Bjorn corrupt bastard BS Bjørn Einar Skog Per Harald Skogs beloved alcoholic father Black Viper Asterius asskicker Bonnie Darions former crush Boo Minsc's owner BH Brynn Hilltopple Cross'n Dagger bartender C00lWomen43 The girl Captain Vurst The Vurst guy ever Chompmaster69 Chompster CT Corylis Thann Wine connoseur and rich person Cycl0ne Sw0rd Scourge of the campaign D Dargeir Slime knowledger Davil Starsong Charismatic zhent Delina Wild magic sorcerer. DD Dirtygan "Dirtwagon" fuck this guy in particular. Durnan Yawning portal owner Elminster Aumar Warden of Waterdeep EG Embric the Fire Genasi FP Fellin Pirritedock Filch The undying Fillabean Nicest man in Menigheten Floon Blagmar Former Manwhore GH Garviel Harrowstone Darions real dad? Gaxly rudderbust GB Geldax the brewer brewer in chains Goo Gorbler Goud Godsdottir The brain of the party GG Grinda Garloth Mechanical crab lady Gwyngwyn The true white mongoose H Helge Running zealot Jagra Stonefist Orc lady J Jenks "Leader" of the Emerald Enclave JO Jhauntar Olmhazan Jhanatar Wholesome JD Just a dude The dude from the slime slayers guild Khelben Arunsun "Blackstaff" King Collin Ruler of The Rats of Waterdeep KK Kristin Kenku Reformed Kenku Krydle Laeral Silverhand Open Lord and Lady Mage of Waterdeep L Lif Ghost Barkeeper of Cross n' Daggers Lily Ranger mouse LR Lisa Rudderbust Gossip bar-visitor Luigi The All consuming fireball of waterdeep M Magda Plushie selling old dwarf Maginos the wizard. Marvin Moorbounder ferrari Matthew threestrings Dornans Bard Meloon Wardragon Alleged "Toilet Pervert" Merandra Darions minion MW Michael the wizard Blackstaff principal MT Midna Tabarf French/surrenderer Minsc Mirt The "Moneylender" Mr Hindsight Elminsters owl Mudknuckles the worst chef in Waterdeep N Nat Girl Nez Could take down Asterius in a fight OU Obaya udai Magic item appraiser Oblex Odenter Odindin Ongul The watcher, wittnesser and sleeper. Olek Asterius asskicker #2 Ooze Obliterator Oskar Ormond The bravest snake in Waterdeep/ Emotional support snake Orston Pencilbrusher Renovator and accountant. P Paperboy 100 shots 100 hits Per Harald Skog "Jeg skal bare fortelle deg litt om Jesus" PP Phillip Papadopulus Orphan Pindsel Slime slayer wizard PB Prendergast Brokengulf Pudding pummeler Parion, Per, Polothamp and Pasterius Pragmark 3 out of 4 adventurers would reccomend them for fast travel in waterdeep Renaer Neverember Manwhore lookalike SW Sandrew the Wise Wise ratfriend ShellPwner Ninja tortle S Skalldur Den dugelige Slime Sentient "Siggy" Sigrun Sigrunsdottir Juiblex's favourite Slime Sister Sigfryd Sigurdson Little sister of Sigurd Slime Slayer Sigurd "Sliggy" Sigurdsson Zookeeper/beastmaster Solomon Powerleap BIG PHONY S Speedwagon Best gryphon carrier of Waterdeep S Squidly Ranger in training S Stormwight Emerald enclave branch chief S Stuckwell Beloved Pillar holder Sulfur Shrubberer Shawn Shrubbery Orchid given sentience SF Sultan Faen Slime slaying dog Tashleen Jafar Tchalla the Birthday elf Criminal and alcoholic The Broom Vanquisher of Slime Slayers The Lordinator Nerd among nerds The Pebble Pebbles Tilda Christened Mice Tom Rune Friend/Archenemy of Per Harald Trobriand The Metal Mage, "The Doofus" Twister Gryphon rider Vajra Safahr Current Blackstaff Victoro Cassalanter Mr Big pants himself. Vincent Trench The possibly good detective Viscid Venturer Veronika Von Valhall Lovable sticky fingered helper. Volothamp "Volo" Scriber of monsters Walther III The White Moongoose Xanathar Master of Xanathar's Guild XT Xoni Thunderbolt Person who knew Identify Yuck Yeeter Yngve Yohannes Asterius former biggest fan Zardoz Zord (Jarlaxle) "Captain Zord" ZH Zyraj the hunter Procurer of dwarven belts Factions Captain Zord's faction City Guards Divine Shanks Emerald Enclave Treehuggers Force Grey More like "Force Gay" Gryphon Riders Like the City Guard, but better Harpers No gold, only glory Harpers do gooder spies Heroes of Baldur's Gate House Cassalanter "Public transport is not for the public" Lord's Alliance Menigheten Kirkekaffe til alle Order of the Gauntlet Religious people Slimes KILL THE SLIMES The Chaos crew Saviors of Waterdeep The New Seven Bane of the Divine Shanks. Pupils of Halaster Xanathar's Guild Something fishy is going on down there Zhentarim (Doom Riders) Zhentarim (Manshoon) Quests A weapon to surpass the slimes Personal quest, Sigurd. Cure Sigurd's arm Defeat Captain Vurst Aid the Rats of Waterdeep. Find out more about the Weave Personal Quest - Darion Flying slimes What happens when Siggy gets to Sigurds pets Gain favour with Elminster Personal Goal - Asterius Halleth the revenant Stop him from destroying everything Join the Harpers Honor among thieves? Martial Tournament - Failed.. 21 Eleint 1493 Missing; Dragonstaff of Ahghairon Personal Quest: Asterius Missing; Håkon Borg Skog Personal Quest - Per Harald Selling spree, for timesaving reasons. Lots of weapons. Strawberry Sigrunns trusted companion The divergent slime Unleashed in the sewers of Waterdeep. The Ochre jelly -Failed An Ochre jelly is causing a pub some disturbances The search for the Mage slayers guild people. The second Elder oblex Defeat Oobies brother The Slime Sentient Personal quest - Slime Slayer Sigurd "Sliggy" Sigurdson Training arc before the WAR Uncover secrets about the Blackstaff Personal Quest - Darion