16 Hammer 1495
Halleth strikes back
The party ventures down to floor 8, but encounter Sigrun at the entrance to the floor. She tries to persuade them to leave, but they decline. Then Halleth appears from the ceiling in the form of a gelatinous cube. He is then defeated, but Sigrun managed to escape with his soul before he could enter a new body. Dodona is returned to the party, but he seems changed somehow…
Enter Slitherswamp
Divine Shanks arrive at floor 8. The entire floor is a big swamp… yay…
Timothy modifies his donkey into a submarine and continues to upgrade it throughout the journey through the floor. (yes this is important enough to receive its own entry)
Divine Shanks discovers a colony of bullywugs and starts the process of befriending them. They meet up with the local leader and agrees to help them exterminate the nagas plaguing the swamp (literally in some cases). After some discussion, it is decided that the Divine Shanks will return the morning after and could borrow a giant toad to traverse deeper waters.