17 Hammer 1495
Genocide averted (barely)
Divine Shanks stumbled upon the village of the bullywugs in the swamp. They have a thing against snakes (weirdly enough) and did not take kindly to Oskar acting as a messenger while Sigurd scouted ahead. Tensions were running high and several bullywugs attacked Darion while he was hiding Oskar behind his shield. Sigurd, thinking the bullywugs had betrayed us, summoned snakes to combat them (yes i can taste the irony). Somehow, or by the grace of God, Per Harald managed to defuse the situation by invoking his god. The bullywugs were so impressed by this new godly presence that they seemingly converted on the spot.
Snake people ritual
After wandering a while in the swamp, the party stumbled upon an old ritual site. They all had the same kind of vision where Yuan-ti’s in the past took down a naga and turned it into a bone naga. This is seemingly one of the ways that you can counter their immortality. Bone nagas can be killed and they will not return.