17 Eleasis 1491
Saga and Peter spend some time together and find out they need to travel to the High Moor in order to reach the city formerly occupied by dwarves of the Bandur Clan.
Sage spends some more of her time in the library preparing seriously. She is not interested in sweating men, fighting eachother in pits.
In the afternoon, the friends Harald, Gaige and Bear are still in The Fiery Flagon pub.
They are discussing tonight’s episode of the pit fight during a meal. Bear seems to defend his meal and growls softly to hands coming nearby. Harald is busy inquiring the name of the adversary at the bar. While this happens, a known bloke enters the inn and starts a conversation with Gaige and Bear. He’s called Borowitz , a contact of the Inquisitor in Baldur’s Gate. He informs that the name Grunswick Sr. has been whispered in a warerhouse called Huulfor Wares run by the Dusk League. Borowith warnes Gaige and Bear, not to mess around with these folks. BTW: Borowitz feels fully comfortable in this environment and he is warmly greeted by Harald.
Harald informs Bear that he must face “The Manatee“, a strong and fat adversary indeed, but Bear seems not impressed by its name.
After dinner they are joined by Peter. Peter tells the rest they should meet at the South Exit Gate of Waterdeep in the morning to travel to the High More.
After a few hours, the inn is crowded and people start gathering near the back. Via a semi-secret entrance in the back a fighting club is reached in the basement. It smells nice of blood and man sweat. People are about and gambling. Gaige prepares Bear’s arrival in the pit well and the crowd goes wild. But they go wild as well for the adversary. While the final bets are being completed, the battle begins. Both Gaige and Harald break the rules by using magic and strategically sending Bear things via telepathy. Nobody realizes this. The contest is easily won by Bear and he finds 2 teeth which he saves for Gaige’s birthday. Harald is handed a card, which he didn’t read.
The same night Gaige and Bear are shown another pub by Harald, but shortly thereafter they scout the Warehouse appointed by Borowitz. It’s an illegal business all right. No action is taken against the human trafficing they are witnessing.