Zymorven Hall
Perched atop a crag overlooking the Rauvin Road, with a clear view of the Evermoors to the south and the Moonwood to the north, is a keep of mortared stone with a high-pitched roof that has wooden statues of baying wolves rising from its peaks. A branch in the road winds up to the keep’s gatehouse and bailey. From the keep, the Zymorven family of Silverymoon has watched over the surrounding lands for four generations.
Lord Harthos Zymorven commands Zymorven Hall, which appears to have no guards to defend it. Lord Zymorven’s duty is to be vigilant and watch for trouble, which could come from any direction. Soldiers patrolling the Rauvin Road on horseback are welcome to use the keep as a place where they can rest as well as obtain food, drink, and lodging for their horses.