5 Ches 745
Found Emerald Enclave sign on way to Kresk.
The Baron’s sister (Alana Krezkov) died recently and at her funeral her body was stolen. There was an attack by werewolves in the region, lead by a werewolf known as White Claw. The City Watch is currently investigating how the werewolves were able to get into the city, as the walls are known to be silver-lined. Because of this attack, fear and paranoia are at an all time high in Krezk.
When asked about a human-like figure, with a head encased in amber, and teeth of all sizes handing from its neck and its swords, the Baron mentioned that it sounded as if the PCs were describing the villain of an old Barovian tale: The Butcher of Barovia, who hunts at night.
After visiting the Baron and Baroness of Krezk, went straight to the Abbey.
On the way up to the Abbey, Tonnin’s ring communed with a lake.
Met two guardsman: Otto Belview and Zygfrek Belview, who escorted them to the front entrance of the Abbey.
The entrance to the abbey is two large door. There is a plaque that bears the abbey’s name, under which appear these words: “May her light cure all illness.”
The abbott a lil frankenweenie bitch who wants Tonnin’s eyes.
Abbot dead!