6 Ches 745
We wake up!
We found many invalid Mongrel folk we are trying to get the Baroness to agree to keep watch and care for.
Many Shadows and shit in the abbey.
Crow tried to warn us.
Talk to Baron. Tell him about the Abbott.
The Baron was not impressed with our story really but Itkovian is so dam persuasive.
Abandoned Neighborhood on the west end near the temple.
Heading to Baroness.
Made it to the Lake in Kresk
Statue that Tonnin goes to becomes alive. Statue seems like Strahd, Sergei Von Zarovich.
Weapon at the bottom of the lake - Sword of Sunlight
Return hilt of sword to the lake. imbue it with sunlight.
King Barov - Strahd is First Born
Sturm marriage with Gisele?
Sergei regails us with his story.
Day of wedding (Sergei and Tatyana), Strahd walks up and kills Sergei, chased Tatyana to her doom out the window.
Kazan mentioned again.
Vecna gave him vampire powers fo sho for sacrificing kazan
fucker doesnt know L3 names
DeathHouse 2.0 House of Kothar
Teq is of the Arganvost BLoodline in the Order of the Silver Dragon.
Learned that Koyan was Teqs friend growing up and used his magic to protect Teq the 6th of his name during the battle where strahd wanted to completely wipe them out.
Danor Drelzik was the head of this doom patrol sent to this manor to kill Teq and end the Silver Dragon Bloodline.
Vuutha was a knight who was tasked to guard Teq.
After many spoopy shenanigans from watching this spectral story play out we learn a few things.
Teq was able to escape after Koyan sacrificed himself to Danor with disguise self to make Danor think he was Teq.
Vuutha was then compelled by Koyan (suggestion spell to aid) to do as Danor(sick fuck) bid and shackle Koyan to a wall and then cement him in to a tomb in the basement of the house.
After this Vuutha asked any presence anywhere to give her aid, some large dark presence said gimme your soul and i will give you power but you will be tethered here. She agreed and murdered this death party.
We then found her in the basement and she was this deformed necrotic being.
We narrowly defeated her and “saved” the house.
Danor has a cool axe that he promised to Tonnin if Tonnin laid his bones to rest.
Knight Godfrey who Koynan was not fond of?