4 December 2024
Breaking In (Part 2)
With Jhaeros’ Memories still lingering in his mind, Ralathen woke up the next day with the rest of the party to discover Emery has entered a coma. Ranoa attempted to help, but found she was not being affected by any curses or poisons. Outside, funeral bells could be heard and Jukli went to investigate and found it to be for one of the workers on The Roseburn’s Worker Compensation Reports who had been injured about a week ago. When Jukli returned to the rest of the group, Ralathen received a message from Dahlia Roseburn indicating she believes the murderer is being held on the premises and Walsh‘s office is the entrance. She suggested to smuggle the party in with a clothes order from Emery.
Fueled with a sense of urgency from a sick mother, the party threw together a clothes order and hid within it to get delivered to the Roseburn Estate and sneak inside which was very easy with Dahlia overseeing the delivery. The party ended up in the Roseburn’s bedroom where Dahlia told the party she would take her husband for a long walk to keep him away from the office. She departed and let the party know when she was with Walsh, giving them the green light to sneak back into the office. Once in the office, the group spread out and rummaged around; Ralathen found some information on cadmium poisoning that was tucked into a bookshelf, Ranoa discovered a chest with some of Clarabel Roseburn‘s paintings within it, including Clarabel’s portrait. Upon further inspection of the room, Ranoa was trying to peek behind a statue and accidentally knocked it over on himself revealing a hidden lever which opened up a secret passage.
The party took the secret passage and ended up in an underground workshop where there was an old gnome working feverishly muttering to himself. Contraptions and papers were scattered everywhere and as the group advanced, looking around, the gnome paid no attention to them, ignoring any questions directed at him. Jukli attempted to go through the southern door, which triggered the gnome to angrily yell that he’s not allowed through there and make a hedge wall appear in front of the doorway. As the group stepped away, the gnome went back to work. Ralathen discovered a contraption on the other side of the room and believed it to be the thing that’s making people sick and killing them, so he began to destroy it triggering the old gnome tinkerer again and a fight broke loose. Eventually, the old man relented and went invisible escaping upstairs. The party blockaded the entrance and opened the southern door revealing a room with rows of jail cells on each side.