8 May 2024
Arrival at Iron Falls
-Arrived at Iron Falls
-Met Ranoa arguing with Percy Neblefeble about access to information
-Turned in delivery note
-Had a drink
-Discussed job board and took one that indicated a Missing Shipment, was intrigued by a Forgery Forge
-Ralathen gambled a bit while the others talked to Bukhamri “Buck” Bristleguard about the shortsword Ranoa found
-Got some more information about missing shipments: they are on an uptick
-Talked with Percy Neblefeble and accepted the Missing Shipment quest that will pay 200gp per person
-Fergus went to Betsy’s Botany Boutique to find information about the flower for his invention
-Looking around the shop Jukli was picking up some dead vegetation when an assassin vine reached out and grabbed him, filling him with poison and knocking him out
-Another spiny plant lunged and attacked Fergus and combat ensued
-Jukli pushed out the poison and regained consciousness then activated his balloon pack to float to safety
-Ranoa and Fergus beat up the spiny plant as Ralathen cut away at the plant locking them in
-The spiny plant was killed but the party left the assassin vine for the guard to clean up
-Ranoa and Ralathen butted heads