Bad Neighbors Company
- First met as a group: 17 Eleint 2993
Nine members. Four hirelings.
Dislike the halflings. Have only encountered the same small group repeatedly. Wonder how many there are and wish they’d had the idea to charge admission themselves. Are they planning something???
Member names:
- Idris One-Eye
- Haldor
- Klibo
- Cyricus
Member descriptions:
- Idris One-Eye: Thorcin human woman mage
- Klibo: Male cleric of Heschius Ban with handlebar mustache
- Male leather-clad fighter with blonde flowing hair
- Male halfling thief with black silk pajamas
- Male Khumus human fighter possessed of exceptional strength that is concealed by his lilting, bandy-legged gait. His beard is long and stringy, and he often has to tuck it into his belt.
- Male Archontean human cleric of Debellaton with face painted like a skull
- Male Archontean human fighter type
- Wiskan magic-user human woman with acne
- Male, magic-user(?) short, round, Khumus nomad, completely hairless