Found a few years ago on the outskirts of Neverwinter. Zook has taken his time to hone his skills and bring himself out of the poor and homeless situation he found himself in a few years ago. Helping other urchins of the city when he can.
The street urchins of Neverwinter gave him his name. Despite his long beard, his short size made him quite the friend to the other urchins who walked the streets and surrounding farms. Having no name of his own the children gave him his name. Feeling a sense of pride he has taken to it nicely and does what he can to help the children. Sending money back to the oldest to help take care of the group. His best friend and trusted leader of the urchins is a 14 year old by the name of Gavin. Zook often sends back parcels of gold to Gavin, to help him maintain the cost of living for the small group of children in their care.
In seeking work for more sustainable income he has come across Gundran Rockseeker and has taken the job to escort a cart.