A Koalitio member-world that Rusco visited in their time before joining The Ship.
“These people have been at war for centuries. Their conflict ebbs and flows, from solitary attacks to fully forced battles. We, the Koalitio, have finally found an opportunity to make peace between them. Eldaerenth Arafiel, our greatest negotiator started this peace process a decade ago. Tomorrow is the ceremony.” - Zumnorin Ashine
The people of Kater lived in a mostly-peaceful coexistence until something sparks a conflict - religious disagreements, trade conflicts, turf wars, etc. Eldaerenth’s solution was to map out the land and its resources (which are plentiful but scattered) and divide the people into equally-measured partitions of land separated by the Peele Hare river. The goal is that they can live separately and prosper without ever-present seeds of conflict.