Elven Skytier Wine
Melinoe's Experiences
(3) You have a faint sense of being on a high, airy mountain with a waterfall spray across your face. Chilling cold yet oddly comforting, the taste is fruity and sweet, with the faint aftertaste of alcohol that warms your belly and has the faint scent of summer wildflowers you yourself never experienced.
(10) You are awash with memories of having a little sister singing an elven dirge for their late father during the elven farewell ceremony under the soul tree Umeran, and though you don’t speak elvish you understand every word as clearly as Common, as you and your sister bid farewell to a father on his 800th winter - the Skytier wine is light and almost ethereal on your tongue, more a mist than a liquid. it has a citrus flavor and the faint aftertaste of burnt cherrywood.
(1 ) You are struck by the memory of your brother, Aeberos, returning from battle with the Shades. He’s being carried upon a shield, an arrow caught him in the throat, and his lifeless eyes stare up at you the fear of his final moments stuck in his death stare. Your mother wails, as your brother was barely a man, having passed the trials of elders barely a year past. Your brother, taken before his spirit could age, taken by the foul Shades and Dark Elves, of Ravan during his 80th winter. Your sister, barely of 12 winters, tugs on your finger on her toes asking you “What happened to Aeberos?” You’re too pained to answer, as your voice catches in your throat, first your father now your brother. Your sister and mother are all that remains of a once noble house - the vintage has a bitter taste that assaults your senses, it’s harsh and almost hateful. as it burns on the way down almost like bourbon or whiskey.
(3) You are filled with memories of your family fleeing Ravan, while house Insir and the bannermen cover the way from the Voss. You are a young elf awaiting their trials of the elders to be announced as an adult. You’ve befriended a strange man from one of the mercenary companies and he’s been teaching you the game Jesters Plunder, you’ve grown quite good at the game over the past several months and learned that the human’s name is Eien, and he’s encouraged you to join the company. Before you can consider the request the man is slain by an arrow from the Voss as the Insir bannermen retreat from the field leaving many to be slaughtered. You spend the rest of the day looking for Eien’s body but cannot find it before your remaining family members drag you from the field to Narsai.
(7) Silken skin glides over your own like the wind over a whisper. It’s too early. The sun isn’t out yet. You turn toward them and throw one arm around her. “You’re goin’ north again today aren’t you?” You nod solemnly, it’s six months out and hardly a month in. No way to raise a family. You wish you could be here for the birth of your child, a half-breed in Ashho Belanore is likely to cause a stir among the purists. “The Voss are making another move into Mythnara, and Trairs is already marching to meet the advance. All the banners have been called.” You can tell she’s dissatisfied with the answer and, for the first time, you feel your unborn child kick against the womb.