Din Buldar's Rumor Mill
Information about the Silverthane Clan
Possible Suitors for Lysres Silverthane: Tordohr Brightstone, Thalgram Starkhand, Amdor Giantbreath, and Dalmor Gadonem.
- Tordohr Brightstone comes from a very pious family from Nen Maldir, and is a friend to the stewards family. He is generally considered the best suitor despite being the oldest. Tordohr is currently residing inside the palace with the dwarf pope.
- Thalgram Starkhand comes from Thorn Kohldur, is a war hero against the Voss, and is considered fairly attractive. His family isn’t of noble lineage and is only in consideration due to his deeds.
- Amdor Giantbreath has the most impressive lineage, as his ancestors were high kings, dwarven popes, and Khazgruls.
- Dalmor Gadonem is the richest of the possible suitors and is being considered to ease political tension between Argantus and the Wurdgrym. Gadonem is residing in the Brawnrock Clanhall and is aiding Andora in her efforts to win the festivities.
Other Silverthane Members
- Nolgric Silverthane is rumored to have a child out of wedlock that he cares for but does not see. While this isn’t entirely uncommon it is dishonorable and something that any respectable dwarf wouldn’t want coming to light.
- Bethala Silverthane is a cleric that seeks to sojourn to the mountain peak to meditate on the wisdom of the Sleeping Gods.
- Brathoc Silverthane, a less than pious member of the clan, is rumored to be aiding one of the clans still involved in the festival.
Note: This information may no longer be accurate nor applicable.