4 Plysis 10721
Played July 15, 2019
While we don’t see Byron Caine much, he disappeared with Jedek in the early hours of the morning - and it wasn’t long before the screams began again. I don’t know what Caine expects to gain from his “interrogations” with Jedek anymore, for surely after all the torture he’s endured so far he would have given Caine what he wanted by now. Once Caine was done with him, Jedek was back on the mast complete with new wounds and Caine had stormed back into his cabin.
A little later I received a note that simply said “Argyle of the Grey Ocean“ I assumed this note was a message from Jedek, and said as much when I asked the boys who or what “Argyle of the Grey Ocean” was. Treldaan, familiar with the name, said that he was a Dwarven pirate-hunter who was later turned into a Warforged. Though why Jedek would give me this as a message, it’s unclear. I’m not sure how a mythical Warforged is meant to help us here…
Wanting to take my mind of the entire Jedek situation, which is difficult when he is in fact just tied to the center mast, I attempted to set up Tomkin and Severin, though it didn’t quite work. Treldaan, meanwhile, went to go cover up Jedek (at least his dick anyway) and confirm that the message had in fact come from him. Not sure why I can’t be taken at my word with him, but here we are.
Later, Therrig “Iron Chest” got drunk with us - or rather he got into a drinking competition with Treldaan while the rest of us simply had a few drinks. The buzz was nice. Therrig promised that he would teach us Dwarven, and of course, started with the curses (as any good teacher would). He also let me braid his beard, which was surprising since Dwarves are so particular about their beards. But he looks much more presentable now.