- Fennec was sitting in a room staring at a wall before she came to Emon (27th of Cuersaar)
- Fennec has seduced shopkeepers in the past (12th of Duscar)
- While open and outgoing, all of Fennec’s stories are about other people rather than herself (12th of Duscar)
- Fennec has unique psychic defenses against False Hydra (12th of Duscar)
- She truly serves the King in Yellow, an Outsider who rules the Far Realm of Elsewhere. She was once a warlock, but has completed her pact, and has been taken as a result. (?th of Duscar)
- Fennec used to be an actress, she thinks. (?th of Duscar)
- Fennec has infiltrated other parties in the past, masquerading as family members, lovers, or even reincarnated members. (?th of Duscar)