God of Blessing and patience
In the celestial hierarchy of divine beings, one deity stands out as a playful yet benevolent force—Azara, the God of Blessing and Patience. Among the pantheon of gods and goddesses, Azara is renowned for her unwavering loyalty to the Idle God and her unique approach to divine duties.
One of Azara’s defining characteristics is her boundless patience. She understands that time flows differently for divine beings, and as such, she approaches her divine duties with a serene and unhurried demeanor. This patience allows her to carefully craft blessings and interventions that are not only effective but also tailored to the unique circumstances of mortals.
Azara is known for her creative approach to problem-solving. She is unafraid to break a few divine rules to bring about positive change or to help those in need. Her divine interventions often take the form of unexpected, yet fortuitous, twists of fate. Mortals who find themselves in dire situations may suddenly experience a stroke of good luck, a chance encounter, or a timely revelation—all orchestrated by Azara’s playful hoof.
One of Azara’s most notable responsibilities is the sorting of needs from wants among mortals. This divine task requires a deep understanding of the hearts and souls of those who dwell in the moral realm. Azara’s patience allows her to carefully discern the genuine necessities of mortals from their fleeting desires, ensuring that her blessings are bestowed where they are truly needed.