15 April 2024
Capturing Solaine
The time has come! The party headed to Langston‘s town hall to announce their verdict on Maybelline’s Murder. In theatrical fashion, the party stepped up to the podium and formally accused Solaine and cited multiple articles of evidence. Upon beginning to be taken away, Solaine transformed into a werewolf and sprang at Tomlin scooping him up and rushing away. The party followed in pursuit, Ralathen and Arthur on the roofs, and Fergus and Jukli from the street. She was too fast in her werewolf form though and managed to distance herself from the party although suffering wounds from a couple ranged attacks. Jukli kept the closest pace from the streets and witnessed Solaine kill Tomlin before entering the church. The party all caught up together and entered a secret dungeon underneath the church. Working their way through traps and rats they found Solaine pacing in a back room. Ralathen attacked while Jukli noticed Solaine hesitate then retaliate against being attacked. A mixed fight of stabbing, biting and persuasion ensued resulting in Fergus eventually catapulting the Silverstar at Solaine and forcibly injecting a remove curse spell. Solaine melted back into her human form, cured, and was taken away to be jailed. Tanya Anathram thanked the party profusely as she was then bombarded with the parties requests for more money, she relented as she then required their help to stave off the undead while a new priest is fetched from The Radiant Order.