Lady Rhessajan Ambermantle
Ruler of Scornubel, Old Vixen, Rhessajan of the Tents
Ruler of Scornubel, human level 14 bard, neutral good. nicknamed Old Vixen, was generally loved and respected by the city’s population. She had control over the militia, which was provided by the Red Shields mercenary company.
Description: She is scrawny and has patchy auburn stubble. She wears long strands of topaz and short white dresses (or suits) accompanied by the proper stockings and shoes, with gloves of varying lengths. She has a hunchback. She has done her best to style her auburn hair to look like a famous performer. Her blue eyes dart from person to person.
Personality: She is filled with cunning. She likes to feign weakness letting people think she is weak. She is cautious and jumpy. She reacts to every sound and lacks any concept of subtlety.
History: She was raised in a island tribe. She was mortally wounded, saved by a kind and fast-acting Human doctor. She has built up a small fortune and can afford her own way.
Motivation: She has money and likes to spend it; and money/treasure
Flaws: Secretive, Fearful, Racist. Bonds: Rich, Nature. Occupation: Merchant