Gamah Brandywine
Co-leader of Stag Caravan Company
77 year old male halfling
He has a bald head and brown eyes.
He has rough gray skin.
He stands 142cm (4’7”) tall and has a lean build.
He has a triangular, very bulbous face.
He is blind from right eye.
He doesn’t worship any god.
He rarely thinks ahead.
He takes everything at face-value.
He is more comfortable underground.
He occasionally gives money to the poor.
He loves discovering new mysteries and solving them
Sexual Orientation
Relationship Status
In a relationship
Strength 15 [+2]
Dexterity 8 [-1]
Constitution 16 [+3]
Intellect 10 [0]
Wisdom 11 [0]
Charisma 9 [-1]