The Orcish Paradise
This city is on the east coast of the main continent of Telos Zois, stuck between a cold ocean, a desert, and the Decay.
Despite its rather depressing climate, the city is bustling, with a few thousand people most of which help keep the town together themselves, any way of growing crops, fishing, textiles, and the like.
The city is also home to the Coliseum of Champions, where every year there is a competition between each nations finest warrior.
Most of the population is made up by desert and oceanic races, such as Tibaxi, Triton, Sea Elves, etc. However there are also some more basic races like Humans and Orcs there as well. As well as some exotic races here, due to the nature of the city being a melting pot.
The government is run similarly to a democracy, every 10 years the city votes on an individual who they believe should be running the town and whoever wins does so. Currently, and for the past 10 odd years, the leader has been Kharg, a Half Orc Mage who has helped this town thrive since the Silencing. Before the Silencing they were also very tightly linked with the northern town of Lorek, the leader of which was also to be wed to Kharg, but since the silencing all contact has been severed, and every effort that Kharg and the cities militia has made to venture through the Decay to Lorek has been met with devastation.
Industry & Trade
The town thrives off the ocean that they live right next to, able to trade their goods such as delicious fish and kelp and the like to nations further inland like Durad, who pays a hefty sum not only for those, but for the other goods like armor and weaponry that come out of it. The town gets the rest of their crops from their own miniature farms, which require a lot of maintenance to stay stable due to the climate.