Notes Dump - 2024/10/09 Session
So, Damlyre(likely targeted by Levistus) has been left alone with Carey. They talk about how there are bad people out there, how the bad guys are in jail, and Carey brings up Nova’s wanted poster. Oops. Also, Carey chuggs a whole cauldron’s worth of soup.
The storm is still happening as the party reconvenes. Anywho people have to sleep, so the party keeps watch. Also, Carey is sleeping on Surtr, tucked under their wing. Adorable.
Nova takes first watch. One of the townsfolk taking shelter, a goliath, is having some trouble getting sleep, and converses with Nova for a bit. The goliath noticed that when Nova and the echo were playing pattycake with Carey and Levi, the echo seemed like a different person. Nova isn’t the most certain about the identity of the echo, but think it has to do with someone who is dead. Nova also tells the goliath that they’re one of the people that came from another world a few weeks ago, and wants to go back to the farm.
Damlyre takes second watch. Carey is still glowing, a smidge less, but otherwise seems safe. Towards the end of his watch, he wakes up Crane to go check out the storm, and wakes up Lucifer to take 3rd watch.
As Damlyre and Crane approach the entrance of the morgue, they observe that the storm has died down a bit. Damlyre in particular notices a figure out in the storm, and begins to converse. Crane doesn’t hear or see who Damlyre is talking to. there’s some back and forth, and it appears to be someone who serves Levistus, probably a warlock. The warlock says please protect my daughter, likely referring to Carey. Also, apparently the warlock was hovering.
Notably, Lucifer doesn’t observe Carey glowing anymore during third watch. It seems the glow has been absorbed or repressed or siphoned away somehow.