The Elder Gods
The Gods of Telos Zois aren’t all that different from those in other myths, they created the universe, they are almost all powerful, and worshiped world-wide.
The New Gods, instead of people being made in their image, the gods are born in the peoples.
Overtime as the worshipers of these gods develop and evolve, so does this god, if the people who worship it are evil, so is the god. Over time the god becomes more “human”, it begins developing a personality, even its own life, if you would call it that.
However over time should the worshipers of this god become more fanatic and insane, pushing the god to its mental and metaphysical limits, it may begin to become more and more mortal, and over time, may become fully mortal.
The consciousness of a once all powerful being in a fragile and mortal body would break it.
As has happened to many of the gods that have existed.
The elder gods are known on the main continent as:
Xzur – Creator, God of Life and Belief
Neusp – God of Nature and Humanity
Lurail – God of War and Death
Prior to the destruction of the Lost Continent however the gods were known by the following names as well:
Ein - the Protector
Lomin - the Branching Mind
Statera - the Grave Keeper
A decade ago the world experienced an event known as “The Silencing”, in which Xzur has been all but wiped from people’s memories, and has not been successfully communed with nor prayers answered since.
The Cult of Xzur uses their disappearance as an excuse to spread their message that these new gods are impeding their god from contacting them and are allowing the life of this world to corrupt the planet and all that is on it.