Notes Dump - 2024/10/30 Session
Brief review of last session(2024/10/30):
-The party meets Bukra(goddess of nature and endings?). She has a dragon hatchling too
-We all get our favorite cookies. Carey doesn’t appear to have a favorite flavor and get’s sugar cookies
-Devria gets info dumped about the time and god wiggly jiggly situation
-Crane’s crew is still alive. In the previous timeline, the ship was transporting adamantine to the elven kingdom, so the ship was wrecked this time around to prevent that from happening
-The captain of Crane’s crew is looking for a daughter in a city up north (where we’re headed)
-Damlyre teches Carey a bit of magic (produce flame)
-Cryptid hears from Bukra that Slid probably fell down the deep cave we explored with the portal way back and isn’t feeling to lively. Cryptid goes on a walk to cool off, and meets and befriends 4 wolfdogs, who were likely pulling a sled before being abandoned. Before we leave, Bukra tells Cryptid that he will see Slid in 1-2 days
-We leave Bukra and carry on Northwards, eventually finding a patrol of 6 soldiers walking around a hole in the ground(with stairs, like a passage to an underground space).
-Soldiers have the broken snowflake gauntlet insignia
-After attempting to weasel useful information out of them, they imply that Slid is dead, and get Devria to start walking down, who experiences sudden chills and a smidgen of mind control. One of the soldiers appears to be sneaking towards Carey, so we fight!.
-Damlyre’s 3 baby draggos have names now: Snowflake, Frigus, and Gyalvir/Flykra
-Cryptid left 3 of the wolfdogs with Bukra for safety. The fourth dog has been named Solheim