Lawful Taxation League
Previously Fair Farinnel Group
The Lawful Taxation League was formed under Poltax Farinnel‘s governance and has always strove to restore order and fairness to the city, first by deposing the Farinnel family and now by seeking to add more oversight to their governance. The uproar of Palabra coming to office from Kymal has given them a rallying of support in the settlement and they’re hoping to capitalize on it.
According to settlement bylaws, if a majority of settlement business- and land-owners can be gathered to an official meeting and a quorum of those individuals can be counted as yea’s to a new policy, the governance of the city can be changed. Jovial and Lenoran are currently working on swaying them all, but it’s slow going. They do not want to schedule a meeting until they’re sure they can sway a majority, not wanting a lot of lead time for others to argue against them.
A current majority of the Settlement would need seven of the following to vote yea:
Cerrano sisters, Cassius Cleves, Argus, Diogenia Fellsword, Bellow Brothers, Fenna Daphinki, the Bloomingrove family, Marcus Aetheon, Marisha Adderam, Orion Bladewalker, Rulf Cromwell and Sellune Nethrit.
Of these, only Cassisus has openly stated support for the League’s goal, though he’s also been open about the political power he expects it to give him.