20 Dualahei 835
Wild’s Grandeur
Melora, the Wildmother’s holy day is celebrated on the vernal equinox, usually the twentieth day of the third month. The people of Exandria often set aside this day to sail or hike for no reason other than the pleasure of observing the natural beauty of their surroundings. Many residents of Farinnel spend the day sailing down the Byhills River to the Foramere Basin and back or blessing their fields before next month’s planting.
Those who still partake in elements of Ki’Nau culture take this day to appreciate the fruits and foods granted by the sea, leaving offerings of delicacies and small handmade crafts at temporary altars of twisted roots and grasses. Many gnome residents of Falinnel travel into the Bramblewoods to leave offerings on the roots of the gnarled trees there.
The evening of Wild’s Grandeur, residents gather in the center of town with windchimes to pray a blessing of Melora and listen for the sound of her wind sweeping through the crowd; a chorus of chimes means that she has granted them favor in the coming planting season.