9 Dualahei 835
Having spent the night at Fin’s place, you set off into Alessia to speak with Fin’s mentor, Caelynn. When reaching Caelynn’s cottage, you crossed paths with a beautiful female elf as she was leaving; Thia, who has a history with Fin and apparently just finished arguing with Caelynn about needing to take action against the interlopers in the north, near the Murdoon Mines. She left on a horse with attitude and you all met with Caelynn, who showed great wisdom and insight to your questions and current dilemmas.
Mia’s parents were investigating the magic found beneath the temple, a secret kept from Fin because it is knowledge that must be earned. Mia’s parents’ investigation and experimentation into this magic was likely the cause of this newly sped up Planar Equinox, the epicenter of which is in Kymal. Caelynn assures you that other, more powerful beings are working to stop the planar equinox and you should stay away from it. Varis, a friend of Fin’s, was sent to investigate on Caelynn’s behalf, while other elves and high council members investigate. After your pressing, Caelynn admits that she worries that whoever is behind this is using the magic to summon energy from multiple dimensions, to power the key to a Soul Cage and unleash a primordial World Devourer, while preparing a way for those casting it to escape. It will be a Calamity done anew, with only a select few left to reclaim the world. These are Caelynn’s fears, which Varis is investigating for her. Whatever their planning, the magic to control the planes is powerful and dangerous; getting near it could be ruinous for all of you.
JD’s necklace is an intense magical focus, linked through genealogy. This necklace is designed to activate for his family and no other, and to teleport you to a specific place in the Fey Realm. Where, she cannot say, but it is undoubtedly a door that will open to familial truths JD needs to be ready to face. Caelynn also asked about if this symbol was anywhere else growing up and JD said that it was in a dream catcher on their caravan wall. But, later, he admitted this was false, and it was actually a mirror, which Mia realized meant that whoever gave JD’s mother this necklace was also probably using this mirror to keep watch on her.
Ember was told that she’s seeking adventure because she’s running from the truth. The puzzle box in her bag is the key to her purpose, this holds the answer for her missing purpose, but she’s running from it.
After the intense talk with Caelynn you all returned to Farinnel, but on the way, encountered a huge snake and two phase spiders, all of which had a strange green glow in their eyes and an unnatural obsession with killing you all, though the light left when they were killed.