Following the winds and waves to the southwest of Tal’Dorei across the Ozmit Sea eventually leads one to the chain of islands called the Hespet Archipelago and to the shores of the continent of Marquet. The pebble beaches of the Bay of Gifts greet travelers with the charming sights of untouched nature, and the port city of Shamal invites all to engage in the pleasures of civilization, with beautiful ballrooms and gilded gambling halls. Beyond the port of Shamal lies the rocky edge of the Aggrad Mountains, whose canyons and caverns house untold numbers of predatory creatures, before giving way to the immense Marquesian Desert. This sandy wasteland is rumored to have once been verdant jungle brought to ruin by the spear of the Ruiner in the Calamity. Some stories tell of a great hero that sacrificed himself to save Marquet from utter annihilation, but only scattered fragments of this tale endure. Near the center of this intense desert, surrounded by a sprawling network of small villages, is the grand city of Ank’Harel, known as the Jewel of Hope. This city, built atop the Drowned City of Cael Morrow, is the center of culture, history, and power for all of Marquet. Ruled by the mysteriously undying J’mon
Sa Ord, Ank’Harel is a magnificent haven of music and culture. It’s not without its dangers, but it is a paradise compared to the monster-infested sands that surround it. The Hands of Ord, the city’s guards, also protect
nearby villages and townships within the desert, but they can only reach so far. Further south, beyond the reach of Ank’Harel and the Hands of Ord, the sands give way to scrubland and marshes tangled with the volatile mountains surrounding the smoking Suuthan Volcano and the dangerous clans that worship it. Westward, beyond the arid desert, lies a vibrant landscape of verdant jungles, craggy mountains, and magical mysteries that the people of Marquet have spent eons unraveling. Within the jungles of Marquet are dozens of cultures, some
nomadic, some seafaring, and some with great cities of their own. One such city, founded by orcish survivors of the Ruiner’s wrath during the Calamity, is known across Exandria for its mathematically immaculate architecture. This realm welcomes scholars and travelers from across Exandria, who are eager to learn from the minds of some of the greatest architects the world has ever seen.