Rifenmist Peninsula
Majority Faiths: Changebringer, Lawbearer, Strife Emperor
Minority Faiths: Wildmother, Moonweaver, Cloaked Serpent, Lord of the Hells
Imports: Arms, armor, stone, masonry, spell components
Exports: Spell components, produce, rare metals
South of the Stormcrest Mountains and the Verdant Expanse are a number of autonomous communities that live outside the influence of the Republic of Tal’Dorei and its constituent city-states. A number of plans to expand into Rifenmist have been brought to the Tal’Dorei Council, but strong opposition from the Syngornian delegation and the Master of Defense have consistently buried these plans before they can come to fruition.
A number of communities exist on the Rifenmist Peninsula. Some are lost remnants of the Scattered War that chose to flee Drassig’s rule to the isolated and unpopulated Mornset Countryside rather than fight against his tyranny. These are the communities that some Emonian merchants wish to bring into the fold of Tal’Dorei proper. Farther to the south (and occasionally roaming north into Mornset) are the Orroyen elves, a collection of nomadic tribes. The Orroyen and the elves of Syngorn see one another as family, and the Syngornian delegation refuses
to allow the council to interfere with their cousins’ way of life.
Beyond the Mornset people and the Orroyen are a number of other small, individualistic settlements that live in fear of the imperial power that commands Rifenmist: the Iron Authority. Tal’Dorei’s Master of Defense warns the council of provoking this slumbering empire, for they are preoccupied with their unholy conquest of the Rifenmist Jungle in the name of their patron deity, the Strife Emperor. A number of Orroyen elves and other people of Rifenmist long for Emon’s aid in breaking the grip of the Iron Authority, but fear that allowing the Republic of Tal’Dorei to gain a military foothold in Rifenmist would simply be trading one imperial master for another.
Beyond the political struggles of this realm are terrors only true heroes can survive. Enormous, ancient beasts stalk the vine-twisted paths of the jungle that consumes the majority of the peninsula’s coastline. An expanding morass of fungus spreads from a mysterious, corrupt source along the eastern depths of the underbrush, while a secret society of naga-worshippers bring bloody offerings to their snake-queen.