Mufasa Ironmane
(Dead)Leonin Fighter (Jesse)

Birthplace: Oreskos
Current Age: 43 (aged from 33)
Pride: Ironmane Pride
Mother: Adelaide Ironmane, Neutral Good Leonin Barbarian that works as an Academic. Your relationship was friendly. She is alive, but doing poorly due relationship with her husband.
Father: Hugh Ironmane, Lawful Good Leonin Warlock that works as a Soldier. Your relationship was friendly. He is alive and famous. It is causing issues in his relationship with his wife but he doesnt seem to notice with his popularity at a rise.
Siblings: 4
Younger sibling. Ida Ironmane, Lawful Neutral Leonin Rogue that works as a Politician. Your relationship was hostile. She is alive and well.
Older sibling. Maynild Ironmane, Neutral Good Leonin Fighter that works as a Laborer. Your relationship was friendly. She is alive and well.
Younger sibling. Ida Ironmane, Neutral Good Leonin Sorcerer that works as an Academic. Your relationship was friendly. She is alive and well.
Older sibling. Balimaar Ironmane, Neutral Leonin Cleric that works as an Artisan. Your relationship was indifferent. He is alive and well.
Family: You were raised by your mother. Your father was always working guarding the lands.
Lifestyle: Modest. Grew up in an above average home.
Childhood: You had several friends, and your childhood was generally a happy one.
Background: Soldier
Motivation: Fighting was the only life you ever knew.
Class: Fighter
Origin: You squired for a knight who taught you how to fight, care for a steed, and conduct yourself with honor. You decided to take up that path for yourself.
Events: 3
You made a friend of an adventurer.
Spring Blossom , Neutral Tabaxi Rogue that works as a Priest. Your relationship was friendly. She is alive and quite successful.
You went on an adventure. You nearly died. You have nasty scars on your body, and you are missing a toe causing me to be very unbalanced when doing something tricky.
You started dating:
Jocelyn Wilmont, Neutral Good Leonin Warlock that works as an Entertainer. Your relationship is friendly. She is alive, but doing poorly due to our relationship. its hard with me being away on an adventure and she, stuck at home.
Unlike every other civilization on Theros the Leonin have rejected the gods. They don’t deny their existence (it’s quite difficult to ignore the deities when their titanic forms stroll past) but rather they denounce them as unworthy of worship. This makes it difficult for Mufasa to worship Heliod and not have any backlash from other leonin. I am not ashamed, i just dont want to add any trouble to a situation that can be prevented. Even if it is sadly at the expense of my religion. GAIN PIETY